A lot of very serious deadlifts happened this week. We’ve giffed the first on the list above, which may be the most impressive, at least in terms of bodyweight:
- IPL deadlift world record holder Jesse Lanuevo pulling over 4.17 times his bodyweight with 605 pounds at 145 pounds.
- Nineteen-year-old Jesse Nutt, who is nineteen, deadlifted 700 pounds at just nineteen years of age. He usually competes in the -74kg class.
- Russian powerlifter Angelina Elovikova pulled 528 pounds at 158 pounds. At 25, she’s competed at seven competitions and podiumed at six.
- While Blaine Sumner took the championship, the heaviest deadlift at the recent IPF Open World Championships, and the new heaviest deadlift ever made in the IPF, was Julian Johansson’s 894-pound equipped lift.
More of a squats person? Pavlo Nakonechnyy, who squatted 395 kilos for a double just a couple weeks ago has now squatted 410 kilos for a double. He’s competing at a WRPF competition in early December.